Kuah Pliek U

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Pliek 'U sauce is a very popular aceh meal with a mixture of various flavors and is rich in vitamins and substances that can increase arousal and immunity.

In addition, Kuah Pliek 'U is also a food that symbolizes kinship and diversity in Aceh society that can be united in one cauldron, thus producing a unique taste and favored by all the people in the whole world. Pliek 'U sauce is also a medium to introduce Aceh's natural products that are so rich in the type of vegetables so that by eating the sauce Piek' U means we have eaten all the vegetables in Aceh. This cuisine must be eaten, because go to Aceh without eating Kuah Pliek 'U, just as it has not gone to Aceh. This cuisine is very easy to get, 90% of restaurants in Aceh definitely provide Kuah Pliek 'U.


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