Tarian Tradisional Aceh
Menampilkan postingan dari Agustus, 2017
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Disabled Dogs A pet shop put up a billboard that appeals to children: "Sold puppies." Soon a boy came into the shop and asked, "How much is the price of the puppy you are selling?" The store owner replied, "The price ranges from 30 to 50 dollars." The boy then reached into his trouser pocket and took out some coins, "Whoa. I only have 23.5 dollars. Hmmm, can I see the puppies for sale? " The shopkeeper smiled. He then whistled for his dogs. Soon, from the room inside the shop, came five puppies. They ran along the store aisle. However, there is one puppy left behind. The boy pointed at the most disturbing and apparently flawed puppy. He asked, "What about that puppy?" The shopkeeper explained that when the puppy was born it had a disorder in his hip, and would suffer a lifelong disability. The boy looked excited and said, "I bought that flawed puppy." The owner replied immediately, "No, do not buy that flawe...
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In ancient times, there was an interesting tale about friendship between apes and chickens. It seems that they are always harmonious and peaceful. But this is not the case. After a long time they are friends, then seen the bad behavior of the ape. "Hi, Chicken, my best friend," called the ape. "In the afternoons we're going to go for a walk. Would you go with me?" "Where are we going?" Asked the chicken. "I'll take you to the forest where I used to play, where it's beautiful. Said the monkey while coaxing. Chicken interested in the ape's invitation. Without a suspicion he followed the monkeys for a walk in the woods. The darker the day, the apes' stomach began to struggle to fill it. It was then that the monkey's rotten intentions came to harm the chickens. "Hehehe ... For what am I bothering to find food in front of me there is already very delicious food." Thought ape. He saw the Chicken looking co...
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FIFTH FIVE FINGS 1. There is a fat thumb who always says good and flattering. 2. There is a finger that likes to point and reign. 3. There is a tall, middle-aged finger who is proud, the longest and likes to incite the index finger. 4. There is a ring finger that is always an example, good, and patient so given a gift ring. 5. And there is a weak and submissive little finger. With the positive and negative differences each finger has, they are united to achieve one goal (complementary). Have we ever imagined if our hands consisted of nothing but thumbs? This philosophy is simple but very meaningful. We are born with all the differences we have in order to unite: *love each other *helping each other *help each other *filling each other Not for * Accuse each other * Pointing or destructive. All the difference between us is the beauty that happens so that we are humble to appreciate others, there is no work we can...
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What's Going Unnecessary Regrets Once, there was a young man who had inherited from his parents. Being a simple family, he gets little money and some books. Before his death, his father said, "My son, these books are an infinite treasure of value. Father give to you, read and study. Hopefully someday your fate can change better. And this is a little money, use it to live and work diligently to support yourself. " After a while, the money left behind was used up. For a moment he looked at his father's books. He remembered the message from his parents to learn from the book. Being lazy, he takes a shortcut. The book is sold to friends who want to buy out of pity. Instead, he gets rice for his daily meal. Moments later, the young man had to start working hard for the sake of survival. To her amazement, the friend who had bought her book, now her life looks comfortable and more advanced. Out of curiosity, what made this friend successful his life, he came ...
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Unlimited Mother's Love A child fights with his mother & leaves home. As he walked he realized that he had no money at all. He passed a noodle shop. He wanted to order a bowl of noodles because of hunger. The noodle owner noticed the boy standing for a long time in front of his shop, then asked "Son, do you want to order noodles?" "Yes, but I have no money," the boy replied shyly "It's okay, I'll treat you," replied the owner of the store. The child immediately ate. Tanya the owner of the store. "It's okay, I'm just touched because a new guy I gave me a bowl of noodles but my own mother after a fight with me, drove me from home. You're a new man I know but care about me. The owner said "Son, why do you think so? Think about it, I just gave you a bowl of noodles & you are so touched .... Your mother has cooked noodles, rice, etc. until you grow up, you should be grateful to him. The boy was surprised...
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Cake Timphan A typical Acehnese cake during Idul Adha, Timphan is made 1 or 2 days before Idul Fitri and its durability can reach more or less seminngu, Timphan is main course for guests who visit home during Lebaran. Timphan which is a mushy food wrapped in young banana leaves is the most famous is Timphan srikaya taste. Before the Lebaran usually the mothers have prepared young banana leaves picking in the garden or buy the market
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Martabak Aceh This Martabak is a typical Acehnese martabak different from martabak we used to know. How about the taste of his food? Martabaknya certainly different from the usual martabak we meet. With the basic ingredients of Cane bread, While martabaknya at first glance similar to ordinary omelet, but when bitten new feel the difference. Martabak is using cane bread as "skin", and with a savory taste and a little spicy, martabak aceh is delicious to eat as a snack and Highly recommended to be enjoyed with Coffee
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Rujak Aceh You are certainly familiar with rujak. Healthy snacks are made from a variety of fresh fruit dicocol with a seductive red sugar sauce. However, have you ever tried the Aceh rujak? Unlike the rujak we usually eat, rujak Aceh has its own characteristics that make it different and rujak in general. What makes Aceh different salad is the fruit used. Rujak Aceh uses typical Acehnese fruits. Fruit leaves used to make the roof of this house shriveled with other fruits. Rujak Aceh has been a traditional food in this area for a long time. This food is deliciously eaten in a cold or mixed with shaved ice with a splash of rujak sauce and enjoyed in the scorching afternoon.
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Goat Goulash Aceh goat goulash has a distinctive flavor, because it uses a typical flavor of Aceh. Cooked with a large iron pot and kept in the heat. This means that whenever you order goat curry always served in a hot state, his goat meat was tender and not smelly. You will also be served minced meat chopped mixed with onions and crushed peppers and lime as a complement to goat curry. If visiting Banda Aceh do not forget to taste this one dish.
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BENEFITS OF ORANGE ORANGE Maintain oral health One of the most important benefits of kaffir lime is its ability to protect the health of your gums and teeth. The leaves have antibacterial properties and when rubbed on the gum part can provide protection from gum problems by preventing bacterial infections. The aroma of lime leaves can increase the production of saliva in the mouth, which can help in removing food debris from the mouth and between the teeth. Because of this beneficial effect, the essential oil obtained from this kaffir lime is often used in toothpaste and mouthwash. Health Digestive System In Thailang, lime is used as a traditional medicine or herbal remedy to cure indigestion and other digestive problems. This is because the kaffir lime contains many compounds that have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help prevent inflammation in the digestive system. Kaffir lime leaves can be used to stimulate regular bowel movements, so it can be an effective remed...
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THE BENEFITS OF SIRSAK Soursop turned out to have a myriad of benefits, not only from the fruit that can be utilized, it turns soursop leaves also have benefits that may be said to be greater than the soursop fruit itself. Although at first soursop plants used to take the benefits of fruit alone, now people just give more attention to the leaves of soursop compared with the fruit itself. Recent research in medical terms has shown that soursop leaves contain important substances that are useful for the health of the body. This research has made soursop leaves increasingly popular for use as an alternative treatment of various diseases. Several testimonies of people with severe illness have proven the efficacy of soursop leaves on the healing process of their disease. Scientific research mentioned that soursop leaves contain several kinds of compounds such as acetogenins, annocatacin, annocatalin, gentisit acid, lonoleat acid and caclourin. These compounds are ...
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COOKED SATAY IS TYPICAL OF ACEH Indonesia is rich in various culinary typical of the archipelago. So one type of cuisine alone can be various versions in every province, such as goat satay. The popular goat satay is Satay Madura and Satay Padang. But in Banda Aceh there was also a goat satay so famous for its delicious. And the satay is different from other sate-satay. His name sate Matang. Some might think that "cooked sate" is "ripe satay". But actually this mature name is taken from one of the first places introduced by this satay by a seller of satay. Its name is Matang Geuleumpang Dua town. A city on the border between North Aceh and Bireuen. Differences of cooked satay with the usual goat satay that is located on the spices that are used more using spices. Mature satay is also usually eaten together with soup soto (bone-based broth) which tastes like curry and peanut sauce. The meat used to make cooked satay usually...
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Lemang Lemang is a typical aceh food made from glutinous rice cooked in bamboo shoots, after previously rolled with a piece of banana leaf. Rolls of bamboo leaves containing glutinous rice mixed with coconut milk is then put in a bamboo seruas then burned until cooked. Lemang more delicious eaten warm-warm. How to consume lemang varies from region to region. Some like to enjoy it in a sweet way (plus jam, kinca, serikaya) or in salted way (rendang, eggs, and other side dishes), or some who eat it with fruits like durian. Lemang is usually eaten during Idul Fitri or Eid al-Adha. Ulun Lampung on the coast to become lemang as snacks and traditional cakes. Minangkabau people also like lemang, even cities like Tebing Tinggi known as "Lemang City". Lemang is also the original Negrito food in Kelantan. and the Semai. Lemang is also a typical confectionary of Samarinda society that is produced and traded by Banjar people in Jalan Pulau Sebatik, Samarinda.
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The Origin of Dragon City Tapak Tuan In ancient times, in the land of Aceh, there was a very extraordinary event which is the story of the origin of Dragon City Tapak Tuan. Tapak Tuan City is located in the area of South Aceh, and its location is in the marine environment. Tapak Tuan City looks beautiful because its location close to the sea is very supportive to form nice scenery. The hallmark of this place is the presence of a pair of distant footprints like the footprint of a person who stepped on the ground and is now one of the city's attractions. At that time, there lived a young man named Teuku Tuan. In history, it is not known where Teuku Tuan is from. But it is told that Teuku Tuan is a character who plays a role in the origin of Tapak Tuan city. In the area of South Aceh, there is a very large mountain. On the mountain lives a very large dragon. From the top of the mountain, there is a trace of the dragon that slithers down to the foot of the mounta...
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Kuah Pliek U Pliek 'U sauce is a very popular aceh meal with a mixture of various flavors and is rich in vitamins and substances that can increase arousal and immunity. In addition, Kuah Pliek 'U is also a food that symbolizes kinship and diversity in Aceh society that can be united in one cauldron, thus producing a unique taste and favored by all the people in the whole world. Pliek 'U sauce is also a medium to introduce Aceh's natural products that are so rich in the type of vegetables so that by eating the sauce Piek' U means we have eaten all the vegetables in Aceh. This cuisine must be eaten, because go to Aceh without eating Kuah Pliek 'U, just as it has not gone to Aceh. This cuisine is very easy to get, 90% of restaurants in Aceh definitely provide Kuah Pliek 'U.
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Aceh noodle s Aceh Noodles , a culinary type of tempting from Aceh, can be tasted in two ways, namely in fried or boiled alias using sauce. To taste can choose their own, whether want to spicy or not. As a variation can use crab, meat or seafood. This variation will determine the name i ts noodles .